
Power is gained by sharing knowledge Join the 2022 Webinar series.
Oral Health is Key to Overall Health
Oral Health is Key to Overall Health

Oral Health is Key to Overall Health

  • Audience - Open
  • Hosted by - Hazar Jaber
  • Jul, 20th, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 60 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
The Craft of Filmmaking
The Craft of Filmmaking

The Craft of Filmmaking

  • Audience - Open
  • Hosted by - Rolla Selbak
  • Jul, 13th, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 60 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
The Power of Learning
The Power of Learning

The Power of Learning

  • Audience - Open
  • Hosted by - Rana Kabbani
  • Jun, 15th, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 60 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
Monthly Student Assembly
Monthly Student Assembly

Monthly Student Assembly

  • Audience - Students
  • Hosted by - Rama Chakaki
  • Jun, 01st, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 59 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
AI in healthcare
AI in healthcare

AI in healthcare

  • Audience - Open
  • Hosted by - Shadi Battah
  • May, 18th, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 59 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
Telling Your Story Through Animation: Inspiration & Techniques
Telling Your Story Through Animation: Inspiration & Techniques

Telling Your Story Through Animation: Inspiration & Techniques

  • Audience - Open
  • Hosted by - Joumana Ismail
  • May, 11th, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 59 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
Monthly Student Assembly
Monthly Student Assembly

Monthly Student Assembly

  • Audience - Students
  • Hosted by - Rama Chakaki
  • May, 04th, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 60 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
Community Health Advocate & VC Investor
Community Health Advocate & VC Investor

Community Health Advocate & VC Investor

  • Audience - Open
  • Hosted by - Ayah Hamdan
  • Apr, 27th, 05:00 pm (GMT)
  • 60 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
Monthly Student Assembly
Monthly Student Assembly

Monthly Student Assembly

  • Audience - Students
  • Hosted by - Rama Chakaki
  • Mar, 03rd, 04:00 pm (GMT)
  • 59 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
Introduction to Balancing the Energetic System with the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu
Introduction to Balancing the Energetic System with the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu

Introduction to Balancing the Energetic System with the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu

  • Audience - Open
  • Hosted by - Laila Moustafa
  • Feb, 17th, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 90 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
Monthly Student Assembly
Monthly Student Assembly

Monthly Student Assembly

  • Audience - Students
  • Hosted by - Zeina Qahwaji & Bashar Alallawi
  • Feb, 03rd, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 60 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
Vicarious trauma and self care strategies
Vicarious trauma and self care strategies

Vicarious trauma and self care strategies

  • Audience - Open
  • Hosted by - Brenda Hershey
  • Dec, 30th, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 59 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
The power of no-code for startups
The power of no-code for startups

The power of no-code for startups

  • Audience - Open
  • Hosted by - Sinan Hatahet
  • Dec, 23rd, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 60 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
My story as an immigrant
My story as an immigrant

My story as an immigrant

  • Audience - Open
  • Hosted by - Fadi Yachoua
  • Dec, 09th, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 60 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic
Data Science in Medicine: Frontiers and Beyond.
Data Science in Medicine: Frontiers and Beyond.

Data Science in Medicine: Frontiers and Beyond.

  • Audience - Open
  • Hosted by - Abdullah Chahin
  • Nov, 18th, 03:00 pm (GMT)
  • 60 Minutes
  • Language - Arabic